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SEO trends for 2022. Take note of what awaits your eCommerce!
What SEO trends will we have in this new year 2022? Perhaps this is the most repeated question among those who want to create an online store and want to optimize SEO for their eCommerce to the maximum, given that they know of the importance of this...
read moreSEO trends in 2022
SEO trends in 2022 Here we show some of the SEO trends that search engines will take into account during 2022 and that will allow us to prepare our strategy accordingly. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the effective way to get users to our website. SEO is...
read moreWhat is professional technical translation ?
What is professional technical translation ? Technical Translation is the translation of technical writings (owner’s manuals, user guides, etc.) or specifically, texts that contain a high amount of terminology, such as words or phrases that are virtually used...
read moreWhat is multilingual SEO and why do you need it?
What is multilingual SEO and why do you need it? If you run any kind of website or blog, you will have heard of SEO. But what exactly is it? Essentially, it is a technique for increasing the visibility of your website in search engine results. Since...
read more3 mistakes that should not be made when creating a multilingual website
When it is published on the internet and your activity involves several geographical areas, the creation of a multilingual website is essential. However, there are some good practices to follow that are necessary to avoid making mistakes when creating your website. In...
read moreAutomatic Translation versus Human Translation
Automatic translation – what can and cannot do An office day like any other: emails have come from a new partner in Japan and a demand request from a major customer in Helsinki or Milan. Your responding employee does so in English: cross-border communication is on the...
read moreMagento vs PrestaShop vs WooCommerce – Guide to choose
Are you going to create an online store to boost your business? If so, it is important that you take some time to reflect on the tool you are going to use to develop it, because once you get into work, it will be difficult to migrate to another system. Fortunately,...
read morePress releases about the implementation of Google Maps Street View service in Ecuador since 2014
Quito, Daily EL COMERCIO, September 22, 2014 Ecuador will can be visited virtually with Google Maps Google vehicle that will collect information and images to make the map of Ecuador. The busy García Moreno Street, in downtown Quito. The recovered Street La Ronda,...
read moreHow to build an effective SEO strategy in 2019
Natural SEO is a rigorous work process that is synonymous with discipline, perseverance and patience. Therefore, implementing a strategy is essential if you want to have results and be visible on Google’s result pages. Whether it’s a showcase site, an...
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