Natural SEO is a rigorous work process that is synonymous with discipline, perseverance and patience. Therefore, implementing a strategy is essential if you want to have results and be visible on Google’s result pages. Whether it’s a showcase site, an e-commerce site or a blog, I’ll tell you the steps to follow to succeed in your SEO strategy effectively by 2019.

Step 1: Find keyword opportunities

The first step in a SEO strategy is to analyze the type of search your target performs and what are the best keywords to position your website.

Keyword generators

In order to find your keywords, you can help yourself with several free and payment tools. Here are some ones that can be used and are recommended:

Spying on competitors

One of the most effective ways to find out which keywords get the most traffic is to analyze your competitors. You may be able to get new ideas and keywords that you never thought of.

Bet on the long tail

One too common mistake in many SEO strategies is to be content with the generic keywords widely used by internet users. However, it should be noted that large-volume search queries are generally the most competitive and least qualified. They are also the hardest to reach, especially if you have a spot with little notoriety.

One solution is to orient your strategy towards the long-tailed keywords that are made up of at least 4 words. Although they are less sought after, they have the advantage of being more precise and less competitive. Therefore, it is easier traffic to get that will bring a very good conversion rate if the job is well done.

Step 2: Analyze the first page of the keywords you are pointing

Having established a first list of keywords, it is now necessary to understand how to position yourself in them. Unfortunately, this step has gone down the drain all too often, but it is nevertheless essential to avoid working for nothing.

First, you need to understand the intent of the internet user and how Google interprets it. For example, with the “goggles for Screen” request, Google manages to match the blue light goggles which is the answer to the internet user’s problem. Therefore, if you want to position yourself in this request, you will have to build your page in order to be optimized for both the term “screen glasses” and “blue light protective glasses” that are close to the level of the lexicon.

Exemple Google

It is often said that a page corresponds to a keyword. In reality, it is necessary to understand that a page is equal to a set of keywords that are close at the semantic level. So be careful not to make several pages that can be redundant.

The other advantage of analyzing our keywords is to study how competitors manage to position themselves in them. The objective is to understand how the structure of the page works, what is the ideal number of words, what tags are used, what terms appear most frequently, etc. All these elements will be useful to us when we elaborate the content of our pages.

Step 3: establish an action plan

You can’t expect great results if you don’t plan your strategy and you’re not willing to spend the time you need. Therefore, it is essential that you organize yourself by developing a plan with all the keywords to reach as objective with your site and how they will be treated.

Step 4: optimize content

The content is the raw material for the SEO. It should be as useful and relevant as possible to the user’s request as long as it is well optimized to be understood by Google.

Write relevant content

Think about how you can help your objective by writing well crafted content with tips and examples. Once again, look at what works on Google’s front page to help you make the plan perfect, even if you delegate its wording. The objective of the game is to do better than existing competitors by inspiring you with the right ideas to produce even more relevant content and, above all, by contributing your added value. Several studies show that more elaborate articles tend to have better SEO outcomes. Therefore, we should not hesitate to make long and comprehensive content.

On-Page optimisations

All pages on your website must be labeled correctly to be understood by Google. It’s the SEO “on-page”. Below are the main optimizations to do :

  • Specify unique title tags based on your keywords
  • Fill in the meta descriptions to attract Internet users
  • Structure labels H1, H2, H3 …
  • Add alt tags for images
  • Have separate paragraphs and formatted correctly (lists, tables, etc …)

Step 5: Create a coherent internal mesh

The more content you have, the more important it will be to build an internal network to establish the architecture of your site. The objective is to link your content to other pages and articles on your site that bring true added value to your readers. You therefore need to think your site globally and anticipate how one page can complement another.

Beyond the structural links (menus, widgets, footer…), the links that offer the most power are the contextual links placed within a text. The deeper the bonds, the better the inner mesh. You should therefore ensure that you link your pages to other pages of the same level and/or lower level.

Maillage interne

Step 6: get external links

With the content, the popularity of the site is one of the main criteria for positioning yourself well on Google. In SEO, popularity is simply reflected in the quantity and above all the quality of the external links that point to your site.

What criteria to build your engagement strategy?

Several criteria must be taken into account to evaluate a good link :

  • Must come from a site with a similar or related theme
  • It must be placed in a context (within a paragraph of content)
  • The page where your link is located should not be saturated with too many outgoing links (the links at the bottom of the page or at the partner’s page will have little weight)
  • Have an optimized anchor over a minority of links. Rather prefer a varied link profile
  • It must be in dofollow (which is, for example, not always the case with links within the commentary blogs and forums)

How to get links?

Making netlinking is a mandatory step, but unfortunately it is not easy. There are several techniques for obtaining your valuable links. Here are some.

  • Directories (to use in moderation)
  • Exchanges of posts (make triangular and non-reciprocal exchanges)
  • Go through relationship platforms between advertisers and publishers.
  • Making a linkbaiting campaign
  • etc.

Step 7: continuously analyze and optimize

To analyze, optimize and check the status of your website in the search engines, the first tool to use is the console of Google search, Google Search Consolewhich is free. Displays all the errors Google finds on your website in order to resolve them quickly. In the same way, I advise you to connect your site to Google Analytics to analyze all your traffic such as the number of Sessions, traffic per channel, new and recurring users or the total number of conversions.

Finally, I believe that it is essential to follow the positions on the main key words. This allows you to track the progress of your pages in search engine results. If some of them stagnate or fall back, it will allow you to make the right decisions.

This content has been published originally by DIGITIZ-BLOG at the following address: If you are thinking of making use of it, please quote the source and link to the original note from where you have taken this content.